
Showing posts from September, 2024

In The Wandering Isle

 Every day is a moment in time, most moments are significant, whether the significance be visible or not. Some leave a scar, others leave an impression. At times the impression is meagre and may fade with time, but once in a blue moon, the impression regurgitates a bond that lasts a lifetime. Every adult has looked back at their college time when it came to friendships that lasted the longest. I didn't quite believe it, until fate gave me another chance at college and from an unfamiliar land, emerged a sapling of comradery. Whether it was the proverbial, controversial death of chivalry, or whether it was having the balls to say " Fuck You" to an place that guaranteed a lucrative career in a less satisfying industry and walking away, or perhaps the sweet place in our hearts for songs of era gone by, each leaf left a bond forged in the cauldron of misfits, watched over by witches and wizards alike, and from the ashes of our former selves, emerged the phoenix, a monument tha