In The Wandering Isle

 Every day is a moment in time, most moments are significant, whether the significance be visible or not. Some leave a scar, others leave an impression. At times the impression is meagre and may fade with time, but once in a blue moon, the impression regurgitates a bond that lasts a lifetime. Every adult has looked back at their college time when it came to friendships that lasted the longest. I didn't quite believe it, until fate gave me another chance at college and from an unfamiliar land, emerged a sapling of comradery. Whether it was the proverbial, controversial death of chivalry, or whether it was having the balls to say "Fuck You" to an place that guaranteed a lucrative career in a less satisfying industry and walking away, or perhaps the sweet place in our hearts for songs of era gone by, each leaf left a bond forged in the cauldron of misfits, watched over by witches and wizards alike, and from the ashes of our former selves, emerged the phoenix, a monument that may very well battle and survive the test of time. 

Women aren't my strong suit, I tend to make more mistakes whenever it comes to the strange species. Throughout my life, it has had a hand in shaping my emotional sanctuary and a place of refuge because at every turn, misjudgment awaited me. Prejudice, mean looks and emotional bruises are what has often been the verdict for me, whether it was friendship or something more. But the winds shifted slightly for the better as Hyuna became a recurring character in this satirical skit of life. What began with a cringeworthy pun, has now become a core memory and I will cherish it for the rest of my years.

Science says that glasses make you a nerd, says that it makes you super smart but doesn't add up to much outside the walls of the classroom. That is what I grew up assuming, that pffft I'd never choose to hang out with a nerd if I got better options. And I still stand by that because when it comes to Blossoms, you aren't dealing with an average saiyan warrior anymore. He has risen above and become a legend that you fear. HE IS A SUPER SAIYAN. The plot progression from a front-bench nerd, to a trampoline hopping maniac, it has been a privilege to have called you a friend, mon frere. What began as an acquaintance by extension, has now become a carpool karaoke of a lifetime and I will cherish it for the rest of my years.

You don't get to live life the way I have and not get punched in the face a few times. But for one, this punch came from a place of comfort and knocked my earrings into the next dimension. I have always had trouble finding my way home from the dark abyss, the fact that I never really had a place to call home may have a part to play in this, I suppose. So while I continue on this journey to make my own home and have a Saturday night plan with my spouse and my adorable children, Hugsy, you gave me a sanctuary. A place where I could come, be myself and not worry for the future as much. What began as a romantic evening at the beach, has now become a core memory and I will cherish it for the rest of my years.

Men like me stand at the door for a price, though little did I know I'd come to tears at the time when the buzzer went off and our time together came to a halt. Men like me are more about actions than words because words take thought and I live in the moment. I don't have many close friends, and that's more often by design, but this bunch of United Colors of Benetton looking trio was adamant about making me a quarter of the new barbershop quartet. May the Hello Kitty, the Panda and the Rings of Saturn serve as an unwavering, unseverable connection to the pearls on my wrist and the donut in my back pocket. To all the vagabonds of the aviary, in the words of a wise man, as long as our children are healthy and there's food on our table, we are blessed men. I hereby solemnly swear to look down on pretentious crackhead bums, giggle when I look at anything panda, and sit back every once in a while to songs of Rafi, and think about our time together and laugh to myself as I dial their numbers. If fate determines, we will cross paths again and that would be the last time. Until then, this isn't goodbye, just a see you soon. Now, for my closing words. "Shit, fuck, chumma, bitch"...


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