And the suffering begins.

Read the previous posts first.

So, today I'm in a good mood. Had a good day at the office. Not many people annoyed me with their "small talk". Had a few drinks. Got a new handset that I ordered. Not gonna reveal which. Saw a girl at the bar. Everything was fine until I saw her face. Not it wasn't Jenny. But she looked a lot like her and eff my luck, but there was only one seat available and that was besides me. I was freaking out. She sat besides me. Even though it looks like a beautiful girl talks to a man at the bar, other than the bartender, only in movies. But, again, eff my luck. Unfortunately I was drinking her favorite drink. Not gonna reveal either. So she got a topic. I just quickly finished it and ran out leaving her confused. Although, she didn't pay much attention to details, I hope. Anyways, on the way home, I grabbed a couple of my favorite beers and just enjoyed a quiet night. Unfortunately due to the club next door, I don't sleep really well at night. Also I'm a magnet for nightmares. So here I am in the middle of the night bitching again. 

Okay. So now I realise that I haven't told you guys who Josh's crush is. But, I think now, it's obvious. Anyways, so Josh was a moody kid back then. Couldn't tolerate all the chants. So he started to avoid Amy and Jenny. Little did he know that he was destroying his own life. So he slowly drifted apart from them but Jenny and Amy are still BFFs. Then, one day Josh realised that he actually is thinking a lot about Jenny. But until then it was too late. Jenny, Josh and Amy had all graduated and flew to three different parts of the world. Jenny in North America, Amy  in UK. And Josh in South America.

Few years later, Josh got an e-mail from his school mate inviting him to New Jersey for his wedding and also a high-school reunion. Now Josh was thrilled because, I mean obviously, Jenny was gonna be there too. If not for the wedding, for the reunion atleast. So he decided on confessing his feelings to her. A week later, day of the reunion and three days after the wedding, Josh was effing freaking out. I mean how was he gonna say it. After all he had done to her.(What? Try imaging a person, who has been your best friend for over twelve years suddenly just start avoiding you. Even after your best efforts, he still doesn't listen.) How the next hours sped by, he was unaware. So he wore his best suit and went to the party. Jenny didn't attend the wedding as he had thought, but she was late for the party too. But still, Josh was still nervous and worried. He searched for her but found Margaret instead, Jenny's benchmate coz Amy was a grade back. So, Josh asked her about Jenny's arrival. To his surprise, Maggie slapped him in front of everyone. And dragged him to her hotel room. Josh was dumb-struck and confused. 

When they reached the room Josh got a few more slaps and a few sucker punches. It felt as if Maggie was just letting out her frustration. When she started speaking, (shouting, actually) tears welled up in her eyes. Josh was still confused. "How could you?", she said. "What?" What could Josh have possibly done? Let's save that for next time. AdiĆ³s, amigos.


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