Why the f*** am I still alive?

Who am I? What's the purpose of my existence? Should I really be alive? I ask myself these questions everyday. Don't worry. I don't get the answers. It's not like I'm a genius.

Hi. My name is...... well I'd rather keep it a secret. "My life goes pretty well." This would be someone's first reaction. "I have a big house, a big family, nice friends, a cute dog and a decent pocket money."

All those things, BULLSHIT. My house ain't that big, not a big family, not-so-nice- friends, and a very low pocket money. I have a cute dog though. But even after all these things, my life don't look so bad now, does it? Well as any other story, there's a twist. A BIG EFFING (F***ING) TWIST. I DON'T WANNA LIVE. I don't see any purpose for myself and I don't like to do things that don't have a purpose. But somehow, someway, I'm still alive. AFTER 4 EFFING HEART ATTACKS I'm still alive. AFTER LITERALLY EATING ACID (BY ACCIDENT THOUGH), I'm still alive. AFTER JUMPING FROM THE THIRD FLOOR TO THE GROUND (ON GRASS) I'M STILL ALIVE.

See, I'm writing this blog because I don't have another outlet. I'm an introvert and this is the only way I can share my thoughts and still be hidden from the spotlight. So try not to make this blog too famous. I mean come on it's an easy task, ain't it?

Anyways so I am writing this blog to share my life problems. More like blurting out than sharing. See I have friends. There are more than 500 people whom I can call friends. No not on FB. Real life friends. But I don't trust anyone with this. Hell I don't even trust you guys but since you don't know me, it hardly matters what you think. I mean it matters but it won't affect me because I don't have any expectations.

As a kid, I was the biggest extrovert in the whole town. My mouth was bigger than my brain at the time. But then, something happened which changed me from a guy who could talk on the stage in front of thousands of people to a guy who can't even talk to a handful of people. I mean I didn't but could've. As you could have guessed by now, I'm a guy. And what affects a guy the most? Obviously a girl. Now it may look like the other way round is true but sometimes it's this way. Anyways, simple story. Childhood friends. Boy had a crush. Girl didn't feel the same. That's it. That's the base. However little plots and supporting characters change the look. But that's for next time. Thanks for lending an ear. Or an eye?


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