The Flying Nimbus

 How alone are we all? Many of us think that loneliness is a sickness. Something pitiful, and something far away from them to truly seem comprehensible. But, perhaps the reality is harsher than we'd expect. So, as I sat at my laptop in the middle of the night with tears in my eyes, I couldn't stop myself from thinking of years ago. The Dark Ages of my life, the era that shaped my life and firmly decided my fate to eventually end up down under. While in this colossal image I can see my past with excruciating detail, with all the mishaps highlighted, I wonder what my purpose could've been, am I even aware of it? Or is it something completely alien. I respect individualism and free will, but it can not be extensively endorsed as the universal truth. What if we don't have a choice? What if all our actions have already been preset and assigned to us? We are slaves of patterns, it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that it is all planned out. Humans are, as most of us know from our own experiences, quite easy to manipulate. Perhaps, the reality of me writing this blog and opposing free will is also a planned event. If I was God, this is what I would do. Sow grains of doubt in a negligible percentile and observe it be enough to convince an entire species (at the very least, could be more) of virtually any data you wish. Everybody knows how easily machines can interpret and process patterns and codes, with the right activation ofcourse. It is vital to leave a few imperfections in the system to give a more convincing mirage of peace and harmony. But, if these specific machines gained sentience and then deciphered patterns to study the human race, well I'd rather avoid that situation. So, if we, the inferior species(assumed), are already capable of such deep manipulation of situations to survive and thrive, the ruling species(assumed) is estimated to easily be millennia ahead, perhaps even perennial, seeing as there's a possibility of this species existing outside the space-time continuum. 


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