Thoughts of a sleeplessssssssssssssssssssss mind.

I was thinking that I want a sparring match with Hugsy. He's one of my close friends and I know that he can bring a decent fight. Plus he won't be butthurt about any bruises I might end up inflicting. And no offense to Blossoms, he's resourceful but I don't think he'd fare well in combat. Plus, it's been a while since I had a sparring match, too long if you ask me. The last match I had was, I think it was in 2016. Me and this kid whose name I forget gave me the beating of my life. The most beautiful smackdown that I cherish and endear more than I realized then. He was a no bullshit, straight shooter. He was a southpaw too, so that caught me completely off-guard. My god, what a divine fight that was. The sweetest bloody nose I've ever had, truly. Ah, I miss the rush. I miss the thrill. I miss the adrenaline that surges through every single vein in your body. I won that match but the scars still remain, and I mean actual physical scars on my knuckles. Whenever somebody asks me about those I just say that I punched through glass or something but in reality I messed up his jawline for ever. Oh, don't feel bad for him, he busted my nose to the point that it never quite sat right again to this day. So, buddy, I don't remember your name but your bloody face is imprinted on my mind. If you ever find yourself in my vicinity, let's duke it out one more time. I've been slacking off since, so maybe this time you actually end up evening the score...


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