T. M. Scanlon's What We Owe To Each Other

Do you ever wonder if this is how it's supposed to be? Is this what was meant to be? And I don't care to write THOUGHT-PROVOKING IDEAS or anything (not that I have any anyways) but it gets me wondering if we humans could be more than we are. Would we put aside our differences when push comes to shove? Do this experiment, fake an emergency and see how many of your friends show up. Record the data. You might think that the experiment is over but nah-nah. Now is when it kicks up into the final quarter. Of all those people who came, how many of them would you have called because of desperation? In a real life scenario, how many of those friends would you think of calling because you trust them truly, how many would you call because you know they'd show up but they weren't your first choice, and finally how many of them would you have called as last resorts, when no one else could make it? And you'd find that all those who came didn't do so for the same reasons. Heck, if you're a woman and you call any guy that is not your brother will come running nonetheless. But does it really feel so good knowing that he didn't come because he truly cares for you? Or that if he comes because he's a good guy? My ex used to drunk dial me and I'd go running at 1 at night even, 30km away just because she wants to hang out and drink some more. She believed that I came because I pitied her but that's not the case. Being nice has hurt me a lot more than it has given me joy. Some days I wonder if it's really even worth it to be nice? I mean, I get fucked over nonetheless. So how is being nice helping anybody? Who knows, maybe my ex would be better off if I didn't go. Or maybe.... Nevermind, I just watched a YouTube short (yeah, I got side tracked for about 2 hours) about a mixup on a door dash delivery where the delivery guy goes to a bakery to pick up an order but as he's walking out the door he stops. He stares at the address on the package confused. He goes back to the counter and asks the lady to double check. She did and told him that it there was no mixup and the address and name are correct. He then tells her that it's HIS name and address on it. The delivery driver, that's right. So evidently, it was his birthday and someone had ordered him a cake. The lady behind the counter found this endearing and gave him a candle. He sat out in front of the shop, and blew out the candle. And you can see, it meant the world to him. Now, I'm generally not someone who really applauds this because usually this is staged and made only for views but this one here was filmed from a security cam. So, yeah someone put it up online but atleast it wasn't staged, nor was it the customer who ordered the cake that posted it. SO yeah, I guess there is some humanity in this world. But still, not enough. We need more of that, more people who do stuff like this because they just wanna spread some joy. Not because they wanna get applauded for it. We all could stand to be more like that customer because we all have, in some shape or form, been in dire need of kindness like that...
I see the irony here, and I can see the face you are making, Blossoms. Yes, I started this blog not knowing whether to continue being nice or not and then I take a break from it and watch this short video... Yes, I see the irony. Quit gloating...


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