How Uncool Am I...

 The answer is probably a lot. Think about it, I got drunk and what did I do? I wrote a blog...Well a post in the blog but you know what I mean. Right now, I'm sitting in my living room, with the blinds closed and smoking a cigarette while writing this, holding it in my mouth. Right now, I'm cool as Sub Zero, but really? Who gets drunk and writes???????? Ofcourse, all the great philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. But you know the one thing they all have in common? All of them died poor, achieved nothing IN life and died alone. Damn, that's a hard pill to swallow. Luckily, I'm great at swallowing. But here's to making sure I never write another blog when I'm drunk. Ah who am I kidding? We'll be right back here the next time I get drunk alone. Anyways, I was thinking of writing this but wasn't sure until I saw how many people had already read the previous post since last night. So, here I am, pleasing the crowd by not doing anything. I am the windows logo... To those who get this reference, congratulations. You sirs, are old as fuck...



And peeps, comment when you can. I'd love to hear the feedback and dismiss it like every other celebrity.....


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