Jumping on the bandwagon.

 Lately, for some reason, my feed on social media apps has been all about "woke, gender appropriation". And unfortunately, I can't stop it from affecting my thought process. It has been an all-out war between woke feminists and, well, old school thinkers. And this conflict is making me choose sides. I can't, in good conscience, support the modern feminism followers. I can't support the extremists of the LGBTQ community. I just can't. I am Bisexual, and I love being bi. I have been bi for over 5 years and yet I can not support these extremists who just spread hate with the leverage of being members of this community. Apparently there's people who want equal pay for both genders, while on a different front, advocating that there are infinite genders. But let's talk about that for a second. Equal pay for both, men and women, biologically, I mean. Let's look up the stats. Can an average biological woman lift heavy weights? If yes, then how heavy? Let's google and come right back. 

So, according to the Health and Safety Executive, an average woman can lift 16kg safely. While an average man can lift 25kg safely. Next stat. How likely are women to have vertigo, compared to men? Stats show that women are SLIGHTLY more likely to have vertigo. That means jobs like window washers for a skyscraper with 100 floors, women would probably automatically be reluctant. What else? How about the average tolerance of abuse? For this, we need no stats. With the new awareness propaganda, the tolerance has gone severely down. While I'm not saying it's a bad thing, the fact is a man HAS to suffer abuse in certain jobs just to keep his job. Would a woman in that position be as tolerant? No, she'll create a scene out of it and storm out. Why is it that for nosy, stuck up, pompous, self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude carrying women have a slang used to refer to them? The slang being the word 'Karen'. If both genders are equal, why aren't there enough men causing social disturbance to garner a similar umbrella term for such devious, assholes? Moreover, why is everybody so hellbent on equality? Are men and women the same? Are all the genders the same? I dare you to post this on any of your social media, if you think they are the same. Obviously, they aren't the same. That's the bloody point. They aren't the same that's why HUMAN wasn't enough. We had to have man and woman. That's why we have all the other genders and identities. But what happens when you get the proverbial equality? Wouldn't all of them end up being the exact same? So aren't you fighting against your own cause at this point? Equal pay, equal rights, equal social standing, equal everything, then all these genders would be moot, all these words would be meaningless. SO yes, I'm all for equality, because I don't care much for all these genders. But ya'll do. Ya'll care for these genders, these identities, these heteronormative distinctions. What happens when you actually achieve what you are fighting for? I'll tell ya what happens. You will OFFICIALLY have achieved nothing. The distinctions you are fighting for so gracelessly, gone up in smoke. Me? I'm down either way. If you get what you want, great. I don't have to learn all these new pronouns. IF you don't, great. I have entertainment on social media. I have no standing in this battle. And I never will because both sides are harmful to me. I can't support the baseless bullcrap of these woke activists. And I don't wanna be against them either because quite frankly, they're annoyingly basic and logic is like their Kryptonite. I'd prefer people who have some brain cells instead. Thank you. NEXT





Let's see if I get cancelled...


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