To be, or not to be?

 To be or not to be, 100 points to anyone who can tell me where this is from. But that, indeed, is the question. That is the question mankind asks itself. But not in the same context, as you might think. A man asks this to himself not as a dilemma of whether to live, but rather in the context of to be RICH or not to be. Simply put, the only way mankind actually asks ourselves THE single most important question is when they buy groceries, or other trivial situations. No one knows just how to live anymore. We are all just living by hit and trial and picking the one that kinda works. Everyone is afraid of change, no one wants to embrace it. People just want the most convenient application of their resources and put minimal efforts when it comes to any kind of problem. No one has that zest for life. We are alive but we aren't living. We aren't thriving, atleast not in the sense that matters. What I think is missing in this world is Love. Way too many non-believers in love. Way too many people exploiting others and ridding them of their faith in love. I still remember the first time I was in love. It hurt like nothing ever did. And if you know me, that's high praise. But despite all that, every time I'd lay my eyes on that beautiful face, every time I see that adorable smile, and each time I heard that laugh, that was the highlight of my month by default. I would finally understand what Lionel Richie used to sing about. I could finally grasp the depth of I've Just Seen A Face by The Beatles. I could feel the energy throughout my body. I could hear my heart beat. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making. Not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark. I can feel the craving for that feeling and I can feel the life it brings. So, in conclusion, I think we could all use a little bit of love in our lives. Be open to it, you never know which moment might be your last because to be or not to be, that is, afterall, the question...


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