Wedding Bells

 Weddings are a fun time of the year, probably the most chaotic season. But it accentuates the key to living a healthy life. It shows us that all we can do is embrace the pandemonium, find happiness in the unique insanity of being here, now. Quote by Eleanor Shellstrop. 

So as I embark on this dramatic occasion with all cards laid out, it has a unique experience of it's own. My sister is no longer going to be single. I feel really happy for her. She won't have to face the family's taunts of how she's of age and should get married. And I'm truly grateful that she's going to a loving family and a caring husband awaits her. They gel well together and that's way more than anyone can ask for but she deserves every ounce of this beautiful elixir. But mingled with the joy, comes the tinge of separation. She's going off to the states, perhaps to live "The American Dream". And just knowing that she's going to be oceans apart is a melancholy feeling. But I'm just here to enjoy the day and fill it with great memories for her to look back at as she grows old with her husband. Maybe I'll visit her there soon enough. 

Throughout my years, we have been close and then apart a couple times but whether in terms of distance or our bond, there has never been any need of an icebreaker of any sort between us. She's the best sister I could've asked for. And if I had the choice, I'd wish for her to be my sibling but cousin is still the next best thing. The occasion is extravagantly planned and promises to be a jolly event with a fresh air of sadness that our family would suffocate inside until the last day ceremony. And when those tears come, they won't be because of obligation, but rather a complex amalgam of well earned relationships throughout the good, bad and the crispy of our past. All of us cousins, while they're unaware of this blog, wish you a happy, fulfilling and satiating marriage from the depths of our hearts because if there's anyone in our entire bloodline that deserves it the most, it's you sis. Have fun in the states... And keep on rocking that gorgeous tattoo...



Good luck, but hope you won't need it. 


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