Legislation of Morality

Got this idea from VCPR where they have a show called Pressing Issues with your host Maurice Chavez. So, we know what is good and what is bad. What to do, and what not to do. But now how to be get the masses to conform to it? By legislating it and making it an actual law to be practiced rather than an advice. Now comes the problem of convincing the neo fascist politicians who can't leave the right wing even if they actually wanted to. On the other hand, we could gather the support of the leftists because, lately it feels like all they really care about is an authority figure to oppose. Or simply put, the only thing that they care about is the right wing. Ironic, isn't it? So, how can we manipulate this 'cold war' to our benefit? I'm sure we can, but what would be the best approach? Do we present it to the right wing extremists as another neo fascist ideology and fool them into doing our bidding, or are WE now the right wing extremists who are doing the exact same thing as the people we are supposedly fighting against? Come to think of it, isn't that what democracy is based upon? An exterior of right versus left while in reality they are both just illusions created by the people in power just to give the people something to fight about. Or do we present it to the leftist as a solution to patriarchy or whatever they are pissed off about today. Do they have enough numbers to pull this off. We know that they are low in number but can a David v. Goliath  type situation be orchestrated to overpower the government? I don't have a lot of faith in it because I know for a fact that all these revolutionary left wing extremists who will help us promote this WILL turn their backs on us and proceed to oppose this legislation simply because now WE ARE a part of everything they hate. They ain't going to understand that this is progress for them. That they actually ended up winning a fight for once. No, because they simply need something to oppose and get fame out of it. That is all they care about.

But we are getting off topic, the agenda is how to legislate morality. For that, the first thing we need is a powerful figure high up in the hierarchy that can present it to the world. Or perhaps a smaller goal, present it to the nation. First thing to figure out is what to present. You and I have talked about morality a few times already. So we know perhaps what we think to be the purest form of morality and we could very easily be wrong. What is it that makes a person credible to decide what is moral and what is immoral? And what do we do when his/her thoughts differ from the masses and he gets railroaded and suppressed? I guess we can leave these questions for next time. After all, I am running out of ideas to write about...


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