Love is a four legged word

Well, so today is a sad and sorrowful day. It is my late dog's birthday. Her name was Miley. She was a golden Labrador Retriever. I still remember the day we got her. In fact there's a whole story build up of 15 years. Ever since I could talk, I have annoyed my mother with "I want a dog" rants. And she, being scared of them more than I realized at that point, kept refusing. And years and years of longing and begging and crying and whining finally culminated to one day when I asked my mother again. And this time, to my surprise, she said no. Well, after that day, I gave up asking. I'd just get my dog fever cured by the strays around my neighborhood. One day, it was late at night and I'm sitting on these stairs to a random closed shop with an adorable puppy in my arms and my mother came looking for me. I didn't have a phone back then so she couldn't have just called. And there she saw me with a puppy in my lap and another puppy some 10 feet from me. This other pupper unfortunately couldn't survive the winter. This shocked my mother an awful lot and she outright said that she'll get me a dog at home, just stop playing with the street dogs. And then one day, out of nowhere, my mother calls me to this pet shop across town with no context. Once I get there, she hands me a pup and asks me to check her nails and her general health, because we're taking her home.

Oh that day was the most beautiful day of my life. She was everything I could've ever asked for or even imagined from my pet. 15 years of waiting did not disappoint. In fact, looking back now, pretty sure that having a loving companion like her at that moment in my life, the darkest moment of my life, I know she is to credit for the man I am today. She would've been 6 today. So I take my leave for the night. I'm just gonna waste the next hour thinking of her and crying probably... Eh, so what if I got stuff to do. I'mma go get buzzed, eat food and imagine how much fun she might be having in a place where I can't ever meet her...


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