Love, Smile and Everything Worthwhile

 Love is, in my opinion, the best feeling in the world. I talked to a friend today and she is taking a break from all this. But I couldn't help asking her why and trying to persuade her. I hope I didn't try too hard, it is her life afterall. But the fact that we have corrupted the single most powerful emotion that man can feel and made it a legitimate phobia is something that deeply offends me. By a show of hands, how many of you don't want to fall in love because it just hurts too damn much? See, so many of you raised your hands. Heck, I remember the first time I fell in love. It was magical, I cried everyday and that hurt like hell. I was pretty much dead inside and numb on the outside, causing chaos, trying to end myself, getting into fights, giving up on life to just end up marrying my girlfriend who was 7 years older than me and I had no feelings for her, being pretty much high all the time just to avoid the pain. And it was perhaps the darkest time of my life. Now, I'm sure my experience was probably not as bad as many others, but I still want to love and be loved. A wise fictional therapist once said to a soulless demon and made her cry, "It's better to love and lose than to never love at all." So for all the drunken meaningless nights, staring at the stars from the edge of the roof, not having the guts to roll over and fall but wishing to slip 'accidently', I can find nothing more meaningful than that in my life right now. For all the pain in my chest that made me a shell of a man, I can find nothing more fulfilling than that in my life right now. And for all the moments that I missed her, wished she was here and hoped she'll come back to me, I can't seem to find that craving for anything in my life right now.

So, smile for me, it's okay if you don't want to fall in love right now. I just hope that one day you do and I promise it'll be the best time of your life. Even if it doesn't work out, I know you are strong enough to pull yourself together, dust yourself off and be a better woman for having survived this experience. Because remember, it doesn't matter how many failed attempts you have at love, you only need to achieve it ONCE...


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