To Berate The Sanctimony Of The Candor Of Life

 In the beautiful candor of life, truth and honesty are paired well together with humility and civility to provide a fine dining experience, as we consume capitalism, wipe our mouths with democracy, squabble about the subcutaneous aspects of the evils of society, drink from a poisoned chalice and wash our hands with the blood and sweat of our ancestors. 

Life's candor is unparalleled, it showcases the immenseness of the secrets of the universe the way they were meant to be seen. It is a beautiful sight, so enriching that one might never go hungry simply having laid eyes on it. It unlocks god mode of your life, it is the ultimate master code, grants you the creators access to the life. This in turn enables you to bring more candor into the existential plane and restart the whole cycle up again. 

As I keep saying throughout my day, humanity's biggest achievement is simply existence. Our biggest achievement, believe it or not, is existence. Think about it, all of the gigantic feats we have achieved, all the benchmarks we've crossed, all the boundaries we have broken through, and so on and so forth. All of them only hold meaning as long as humanity exists. When Muscle-y Joe set the first ever human foot on the Moon, his writers came up with a brilliant line. "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Notice how my theory still holds water? One giant leap for MANKIND. What have we done that will leave a long lasting imprint on the universe? All these accomplishments only hold as much weight as we put on it ourselves. If nobody cared about outer space and some random dude went on moon and said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." no one would give a fuck. They would be like, "the fuck you doing on that ball of cheese? Get down here and do something that actually matters", ain't no chance we would still be talking about it till this date. It is US that makes OUR success look successful. Yet, we compare ourselves to God like a hedonistic Atheist in the church of barter, asking for validation from the stampede headed his way. 

This ain't a way to live, this is simply the act of berating the sanctimony of the candor of life by adding all these elements of chaos into the caldron. Nasa is looking for a way to colonize Mars, Musk might beat them to it, and here I would like to quote a famous scientist who couldn't stand it when Titanic had the wrong sky above it in the movie. "If we are trying to find ways to terraform Mars, and let's say we find it, then isn't it easier and better to just terraform earth" and I'm paraphrasing here, don't get on my ass. So you see, it's all about perspective. 'We know that.' Yeah, we know that, but how much do we really understand it? Why does our comprehension stop at 'both sides of the story'? How do we know there's only 2 sides? How do we know there's only 2 perspectives? We can't figure out the answer to this because we are simply lethargic and can't be bothered. We live on one theory and one concept. 'What happens tomorrow is soon going to be yesterday's past but what happened day before yesterday is soon going to be day after tomorrow's trend worldwide.'  Original quote, patent pending... We live in a loop. We live inside a matrix of our own creation. Except it isn't as easy as simply taking a pill and going down the rabbit hole. However, you do have your messiah with you. And no, as much as I want to make that lame comment, that messiah isn't me. That messiah is you. YOU can save YOURSELF. Crazy, right? You could've made history, we both know it. You are pretty damn talented when you wanna be. But certain inhibitions hold you back. And then it's back into the hamster wheel because it's familiar, it's easy. You let your insecurities stop you from trying again and you ease back into the familiar routine, looking for something to make you feel good, feel significant, important, useful, purposeful. And you do eventually find it, but now, you have to live the life you wanted, getting all the social validation you could, while knowing that you let yourself down and let mankind down because apparently it was that big a deal in hindsight. Or perhaps you never reach that level of maturity and intellect to realise how big a deal it truly was. Perhaps that's why it's better to be dumb and not smart. Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they truly are. But maybe others can live in that simulation, I can't. And I know there's millions more like me. We are done with this shit and we NEED to make the world a better place. We need to make it better for the ones who come after us. Because, if I have to raise my daughter in this world, I'll think hundred times about where to do it. What part of the world? Which country? Suburbs or Country? But truthfully, no parent should have to even think about this. They should be happy raising their children in the world that they are in. A world where they put in the helping hand to make it what it is, in a positive direction. I shouldn't need to think about having a son so that I can groom him, guide him and simply put some good men in the world to even the numbers. And I'm not saying completely eliminate the negative, that is impossible. We simply need to alter the stats in favour of humanity, or barbarianism will prevail. But it's getting late now, and it's back to the wheel for me now. And I will step out again and stand up for what I can. Au revior and yes, after the first 3 paragraphs, I ran out of big brain words...


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