What do Women Want

 This post has been sponsored by men who struggle to understand women. What do women want? Like what do they REALLY want from us men? What is going on in their heads? How do they assess situations and problems? What makes them decide whether to keep talking to a guy or whether to ghost him? What is an Ick ? How does it work? Who decides what is ick and what isn't? And what can we men do to be that most efficient partners so that a sweet beautiful girl would wanna date?

Here's the thing, if you know the answer to any of these questions then comment on the post and tell me. My man, it is so difficult to understand women. And through no fault of their own. It's just we as a society have fucked up royally when it comes to treating our women right. Recently a couple of friends have started ghosting me because of some message I sent them. Well, I understand that there's a certain way they feel and that it is my fault. But I would've atleast expected a response from their end. Because I know that I didn't mean for the message to have the impact it did. I merely said it in a way that makes it look like I'm inviting them into a cult. You know, in a humorous way like I generally do. It's nothing out of the ordinary or anything weird. It is probably quite normal. But it hurt them and discouraged them to hang out with me. Well, I don't know if you guys read this but hey, I'm sorry about it. Didn't mean to make ya'll feel that way. Kinda wish you guys came to me and told me, I thought we were good enough friends for this but doesn't matter. I hope we can put it behind us and move forward. You'll have to forgive me for not bringing this up in person because I don't even know if you wanted me to know or not. 

Anyways, the fact of the matter is women are confusing. And then there's this girl Dory. She's a great person. She's talented, she's smart, she's oh so damn gorgeous. Probably way out of my league. And I know that she'll make any guy feel like the king of the world. I want to like her too. I really do. But I can't let myself like her if I KNOW that she doesn't like me back. Heck, even today when I met her, she felt a little distant. And I'm worried that she might be sick of me but she's too nice to reject my company as a friend. I don't know what to do. I'll probably text her roommate for advice. She doesn't know that the girl I'm interested in is her roommate. I see fire, inside the mountain, for the first time in months. I can see me being happy with her. I can see her being happy with me. It's funny, we both want people like us to date. The kinda guy she wants to date, I think I fit that profile enough. And she does feel like everything I could ask for from a girlfriend. And I am not sure if she knows this.

I know it's a little cheesy but my inner Swiftie is coming out. I just wanna sing You Belong With Me out loud to her right now. But it's not something that I should act upon so let's see what happens. But one thing is for sure, I will never understand what women do and why they do what they do...


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