Yes, I know I have A Saviour Complex... Big Whoop, wanna fight about it?

 Some times in this world you end up in situations you never asked to be in, or you get caught off-guard and don't know what to do. Those are the moments that end up defining who you are as a person. That ends up being the way of life for some, only stepping up when fate forces them to. And eventually, they simply stop trying even despite the compulsion of fate. And the consequences of this are terrible. It makes a race full of yes men who will follow anyone who does the basic standard bare minimum. 

A few days ago, this guy who I scarcely talk to told me that I'm a genius. A very good man that I helped him out so much simply by giving him advice when we talk... Now I struggle sometimes with accepting compliments because we all know what kind of a fucked up man child I used to be. The kind of stuck up cunt, pardon my French, I used to be and maybe still can become one if I stray from my path. But that hit me hard. I have done really amazing for this guy. Heck, I don't even really remember his name. This goes to show just the little acts of common courtesy can mean so damn much sometimes. Once, this lady asked me why we were cutting a cake with our class teacher in the college. What will that do, she said. Well, here's your answer. I told this things like, "If you date someone, trust is a must and faith does the rest." And that simple advice is all it took maybe for him to understand how deeply this affects a person and how immense an impact it can have on his future. He understood that and he thanked me. While I didn't know what to say. I want to accept the compliment because it'll make him feel good but at the same time, I can't accept it when I didn't do anything major. So I told him that I'm not super awesome, I'm simply doing the bare minimum and mankind doesn't even do that anymore...

This goes to show how much we are in need of a saviour. We are rapidly sinking towards the point of no return simply because "someone else will do it, its's fine. Let it be, it's their problem to deal with." Noah was tasked with building an ARK. What if he said that? Well, then historically, the entire life on this planet would've been wiped out. But he didn't. He did what he could've done, rest was taken care of by god, and now he's a figure of history, cementing his legacy as the saviour of mankind. But now, we don't need a saviour. We need a whole army of saviours to pull us back to the surface. Bravery, altruism, loyalty, trust, faith and love, that is all the emotions that we really need to achieve this. And I hope that one day, every living human can proudly call themselves a saviour...


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