An 'Ode' to Odile

It could've gone better, It could've been good.

It shouldn't have broken the structure that stood

The strands of hope, tugged on by  turmoil,

He didn't live the way he should.

She felt lost, with no place to go, 

Nowhere to run, legs running slow,

Tired of pain, she stopped right there,

Fought back, kicked it into high gear.

She gave it all she had, she put her soul into it,

She tried to let go of the trauma, tried hard to do it.

But fate doesn't treat her right, so she needs to take flight,

Like a black swan, flying gracefully into the night.

All she did was take what he gave,

Even when he would grossly misbehave.

But she withstood it all, for she was brave,

Braver than she knew, growing wiser by the day

She goes on, hiding all the pain inside,

No destination, no end in sight.

Trying to make the best of what's left of her,

She's becoming a warrior in disguise.

War is not her strong suit, hatred is alien to her,

With adrenaline gushing straight through her,

She charges into the battle, headstrong and steadfast,

And soon, her peace grows fewer and fewer.

It seems like a loop, going on for ages,

She's not necessarily known for her rages,

She panics easy and  scares quick,

But in the face of adversity, she goes big.

She puts her heart into everything she does,

She finds different ways to make it work,

Survivor, one may call her on her face,

While plot harm, hiding inside the dark.

She's unaware of the two faced fools,

She does everything that she could,

But she's caught off-guard every time,

For fate doesn't treat good people nice.

She tells herself she should've seen it coming,

She knows exactly when it went downhill fast,

But she ignored it back then, just kept loving,

As he plundered the ship, and broke the mast.

She feels she could never love again, worried she'll end up alone,

Missing her family in this new world, her past that she mourns,

But things look brighter for her now, she deserves it too,

For, free of the curse, now she can live the way she knows she could...


Anonymous said…
Odile is so lucky to have been written so beautifully by such ab immense talent ❤️❤️

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