The Whispers of Time

 When the sky falls, I'll be gone

When doomsday calls, I'll be gone

When the stars collide and boom goes the dynamite,

When salvation arrives at my door, I'll be gone

When cars begin to fly, I'll be gone

When politicians don't lie, I'll be gone,

When newborns don't cry, when governments die,

With relief when the people all sigh, I'll be gone

Gone will be by money,

Gone will be my properties,

Gone will be my accomplishments,

Gone will be my priorities.

When love comes a calling, I'll be gone.

When destiny becomes appalling, I'll be gone

When hope knocks on my door, when morality is on the floor,

When pain gets you hauling, I'll be gone.

When you call my name, I'll be gone

When you feel no shame, I'll be gone.

When you play no games, when you stay the same

When you forget the fame, I'll be gone

When chaos ensues, when violence breaks,

When the world disintegrates, I'll be gone.

When the elite stop doing whatever it takes,

When the lies stop the plagues, I'll be gone.

When resurrections becomes a trend,

When the calamities of society end,

When you figure out that life is a godsend, 

I'm sorry, but I'll be gone my friend.

When you finally become a father, 

When I finally stop being a bother,

When in my place comes another,

I'll be gone, I'll be in the wind, brother.

Gone will be my memories, no one to remember,

Gone will be the darkness I cast on the shadows.

Gone will be my breath, like winds in December,

Gone will be my life, replaced by  the deathly hallows.

So I'll live while I'm young, die before I fall,

I'll live as we break the mold and stand tall.

I'll live and make sure to never drop the ball,

But I'll be gone when fate comes to call...


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