Further Developments have brought me here.

 Well, the last time we met, I met this cute girl and life was looking pretty good. But since then, things have ended between us. No, this isn't an Taylor Swift style post, I'm not going to bash her. Not here, not anywhere else either. But I can't help feeling hurt. It seemed like a long shot, yes and I did willingly bear the risks but it didn't work out not for the reasons that I was bracing myself for. It felt like I am not worth fighting for. It felt like I am not worth the efforts that one must put into any relationship to make it work. Because, while I was fighting for us, something that merely felt like a whisper of reality, she was busy fighting for herself. Maybe that is the way we are all wired internally. I choose not to believe it, but as I get older, I keep finding evidence of people just being cynical. And once enough people start to be cynical, it doesn't matter if the basis of that cynicism is a sham. It will be the new religion. Shaky basis with such a mass following that now it is untouchable. Nevermind the fact that every religion has, in one way or another, stunted the growth of civilization. Specifically and most notably, Christianity suppressing science for over a thousand years which is mind-boggling. They are referred to as the dark ages. And aptly so, because had science not been held back, we might have had electricity much much earlier and been a far more progressive species by now. 

But what does a chump like me know about civilization, I'm simply speaking out of my ass here. It's not like I am worth fighting for, which begs the question, who is? What kind of a man would you be willing to fight for? What kind of a human would be worth sacrificing for? It should be every human, but that certainly isn't the case. What compels a fellow human to loo out for his kind? What is our self preservation metric system and how do I qualify for that? I do believe that eventually we will all be the epitome of social and co-dependent species. We have to be, for our survival, and I know humankind will step up. I can only hope I live to witness it with my own eyes...


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