The Shy Contrast in Ambitions of Masquerading Sleeper Cells

The shy contrast in ambitions of the masquerading sleeper cells is something we don't generally talk about. It is a grave mistake on the part of the society, on us as citizens. Now, I suspect some of you are wondering what it even means, if I'm talking about terrorism. And I am, to a certain extent, referring to terrorism, but not on a national level or even state level, I'm talking about the personal levels of our lives where we never know who can hurt us simply because of a slight deviation from what society considers to be acceptable and what it doesn't. More often than not, it happens exactly how sleeper cells work. They are completely unaware of their capabilities and often cause these damages without intention. For example, calling someone out on their crap like, "that background noise is distracting" is a very simple statement and perhaps you can't even imagine how it could offend people. So think about it this way, you're talking to your friend in a social setting and you say the sentence "that background noise is distracting", it could offend the people responsible for the noise, or the people who are not bothered by the noise. These are what we call social faux pas. They are generally embarrassing for the person who made them but in many scenarios also include offence taken by the recipients. And that is what this post is all about.

Faux pas usually discredit a person and that is the consequence the appropriate party has to deal with. But the extreme sensitivity of the society today is concerning and rapidly evolving into, for the lack of a better word, crybabies. Imagine an American woman, couldn't you imagine her saying "I'm offended on your behalf"? And this is just a random example, there can be many faux pas that we all make and not care enough to correct. One of the most popular faux pas is to say the N-word without being an African-American by descent or without the N-word pass. This has led to riots and even school shootings in America, simply because someone who isn't "allowed" to use the word used it and now the African-American students are offended and take severe drastic measures. 

So, is it a real problem, is it something worth discussing, or actin upon? I leave that decision upto you. As for fixing it or dealing with it, I, as a teenage moron, think that people are simply too sensitive these days. They are quite literally paper thin in terms of mental stability. One way of dealing with this issue would be to help these troubled youth find their path and power to deal with their own insecurities because, in the end, they are only offended because of their own insecurities. As for the grown up who can't be helped, well they can't be helped and changing your attitude to satiate them is simply a waste of time. Unfortunately, we can't just stand our ground in a confrontational way either, because then school shooting type incidents happen and cause chaos and destruction to everyone. So, it seems that peace and calm approach is the only way to deal with this in a safe manner...


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