Remember That Jingle That Went Something Like This...

 As a kid, living in a middle class household in the 2000s, television was a huge part of my life. The severity of the role of tv, especially in the passive sense hits me hard even today. In some random turn of events, I'll find myself humming an old jingle or quoting a tagline out of thin air. Though, of all of them, one advertisement stood out specifically to me as a kid. It was intermingled with overexposure and my mother constantly commenting on it whenever it came up on tv or even in general conversation. The ad in question is the ad for Pond's cream or another product ad. It had a jingle associated with it that went something along the lines of Boogie Woogie Wush while they pinch the cheeks of the baby. And I remember that ad in some corner of my memory still. More so because as a kid, my mother would remind me that when I was a toddler and I'd see this ad come up on tv and would rush to my mother to pinch her cheeks and say "boogie woogie wush". Now I am sure I am somehow misspelling the catchphrase here but as a kid, it didn't matter to me because it created a wholesome memory for me that will last a lifetime.

The product in itself wasn't as great though. The cream would dry out quick if you didn't use it soon and I remember not liking the smell particularly. But just the image of me sitting on the sofa and watching this ad and then waddling down the staircase to go to my mother just to pinch her cheeks as a toddler is still somehow fresh in my mind and it holds a significant meaning to me after almost 2 decades. This is simply the power of jingles in an advertisement. It just grabs your attention and if it's catchy, stays on your mind for ages. Besides, it provides me with a loving memory of a time gone by, so perhaps I am indeed biased when I vouch for jingles. So, make up your mind about it, but love it or hate it, one thing is certain, modern ads are nowhere near the classics yet.


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