Himalayan Blunder

 An Ode to Odile did I send off from my heart,

The message had to travel distances worlds apart,

With no complains, no doubts, and no self regard,

The pigeon flew majestically in a magnificent arc,

Memories of past have haunted me for ages,

Inciting dysfunction and the worst of the rages,

Looking back I realise not much has mattered,

For my dreams still live inside their cages,

Time showed me the true colors, the innumerable shades,

Of my mind, as into the deep waters it wades,

As they dig my grave by the cliff, as I masquerade,

As a seraphic being, ignoring the abyss I made,

A lonely old man, I cradle the words once said to me,

By a maniacal, spiteful and arrogantly defiant being,

What I do is none of your business it said with a snare,

No love, care, kindness, not even a glance to spare.

Angels fall for a cause as every hellion applauds,

At the sight of another being with insurmountable flaws,

The light fades out and the wings fall in the blazing pit,

As the halo disappears and out come the claws.

And fall I did, oh so far I fell in my darkest hour,

No more did I scurry away, no more did I cower.

Grand schemes of liberation were made possible with this power,

But destruction was the path I chose with my mouth still sour.

For years I paraded into the castle as a harbinger of mayhem,

The shrill screams of the banshees announcing my advent,

To burn the world as I saw it fit, I summoned the pain,

And for a millennia to come, for my sins I repent.

In search for absolution, I wander the desert alone,

Lending an ear or a hand to every wayward soul,

Yet somehow I made a Himalayan blunder with this swan,

When I put on the line, my poor, perishing heart of coal,

She seeks asylum from the worries of her heart,

In the bedlam of chatter, she merely acts her part,

But it is not my place, and I shall mind my business,

As she slowly but surely, tears her beautiful world apart.

Heavy is the heart that couldn't save a friend,

Witnessing the horror on which a life does depend,

Watching helplessly as she jumps headfirst into the deep end,

I worry she may not surface for air again, and sink to her end.


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