
Showing posts from June, 2024

A Delusion May Still Suffice

For rehearsals of the future, we skip the past, Only to run back into it, united at last, Your dreams can't make up for the pain you caused, Witness the power of hopes that you lost. The fields of roses are covered in ash, You walk among the shadows, the macabre The sunlight is gone, and in a sudden flash, You see the demon engulf the self that you are. The charred remains of your present days, Casting a shadow of horror, an eclipse like phase Carving your soul in so many ways, They call you the ghost rider, as they dig your grave. And soon you see a blinding light, You clutch at your eyes, begging for sight. You see all the hate is just love in disguise, For men like you, a delusion may still suffice. Men like you stand at the door for a price, Guarding the filth and garbage of another's mind Reaching for glory, thinking up a scheme, Terrorizing everyone you see with your grand regime Your fate is sealed, it's etched in the sky Your soul is doomed for all the good you defi

Path of the Heart

 Admiring you becomes a distant daze, To get you, I ran through the maze Would we ever be together in this life? I don't know, I'm still a bastard, and you didn't change your ways. But maybe that's only so because you're so far Maybe it works out when we become who we are Maybe you make me a better man and I illuminate your life Maybe one day we get together, I pray to a shooting star The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, Revive my my faith in love, give it a fresh start Because you're the reason for the beats of my heart The one I see when I close my eyes, you are I am worried I might never find you, I confess Lately I've been down, I've been dealing with stress Been waiting for quite a while, I tell you For someone like you to get me out of this mess I've been reminiscing, thinking all these thoughts About the way I used to live back when I had you in my life The horrible things, the evil voices, the demons that I fought, My existence bec

Time may Have Passed But These Ads Are Forever

 There have been many ads throughout years and eras that have left a mark in all our minds. These ads are usually unique and they are often funny or emotional and cater to the strings of our hearts as consumers and as human beings. The first one that always pops up in my mind when talking about memorable ads is Ambuja Cement ad. It is a cinematic ad and a pioneer for the trend of revealing the product in the end. The plot went something along these lines. Two brothers who have been quarreling for over a decade are at odds still, separated by a wall. They don't let their wives talk to each other and refuse to make up for as long as they can remember. One day however, in a dramatic turn of events the brothers feel a surge of love and regret for lost time and they both converge in the adjacent gardens of their houses and scream at each other that they are tired of this wall dividing them for years and they then proceed to try everything they can to break it. From hitting with a car, t

Safedi ke Aage Ujala

 Ever heard about jingles? Those little snippets, those wannabe songs that play alongside some advertisements? Yeah, those. Those are pretty cool, aren't they? Well, turns out there's a highly scientific reason for their existence in the ad industry and not just to be a creative and innovative approach to marketing. I think it is safe to say that everyone born up till early 2000s remembers the lifebuoy jingle. "Tandurusti ki raksha karta hai Lifebuoy. Lifebuoy hai jahan, tundurusti hai vahan. LIFEBUOY!" And there's more reasons for it than just being catchy. However, being catchy is one of the significant aspects of marketing psychology. The reasons for the inception of jingles was due to the need for a change in times, change in the old way of advertising where it was all product centered and information heavy. While being informative, these ads didn't leave a significant enough mark on the psyche of the audience for it to be as effective as the companies nee

Remember That Jingle That Went Something Like This...

 As a kid, living in a middle class household in the 2000s, television was a huge part of my life. The severity of the role of tv, especially in the passive sense hits me hard even today. In some random turn of events, I'll find myself humming an old jingle or quoting a tagline out of thin air. Though, of all of them, one advertisement stood out specifically to me as a kid. It was intermingled with overexposure and my mother constantly commenting on it whenever it came up on tv or even in general conversation. The ad in question is the ad for Pond's cream or another product ad. It had a jingle associated with it that went something along the lines of Boogie Woogie Wush while they pinch the cheeks of the baby. And I remember that ad in some corner of my memory still. More so because as a kid, my mother would remind me that when I was a toddler and I'd see this ad come up on tv and would rush to my mother to pinch her cheeks and say "boogie woogie wush". Now I am su

The Search Within

 I may have a purpose or two on this earth To live, love and prosper, I first need to prove my worth Would it even make a difference in the end? For there are things stronger than even I can comprehend It could be my own doing, where I got to now In this state of mental suffering, falling further down Grasping at straws of my conscience with all my might It still feels like I very well may be fighting a losing fight To love, to live, to pray, and to play I force myself, to stop the rapid decay My time is coming, I feel it in my bones It sounds like crazy talk, yeah I know Can I cover my eyes and make it go away? I feel like a prisoner in my mind when I say I'm covering my ears like a kid, when your words don't make sense When life starts to disintegrate, I feel like I'm fading away With love in my heart and hate thrown at my skin I march into the cave, trying to find it within I struggle with walking, my knees feel weak I need some strength, I need strength to even breath I

Journey to the Beyond or Returning Back to the Source

 Shot through the heart, and I'm to blame Whatever I do gives love a bad name. I try my best to be a good guy But everything I do can only cause pain Maybe I don't really try to do good in the world, But I'm causing more chaos, good deeds there are none It scares me so, to be in your arms, closing my eyes Because the may be filled with your screams and cries My voice can't be heard, I choose to trap it in But my mere existence can crumble your life from within To be with me in this plane of existence, You may have to destroy the world you now live in Feels as if I am the results of the equation balancing itself  That means there's enough good in the world, no need for more Making my efforts to put good in the world futile Turning me into the monstrous negative entity I so abhor. I am a harbinger of chaos, should I embrace Should I lean into that darkness, turn my face  Abandon the light, burn my morals beyond a trace And fuck the world, fall from God and into the de