
Showing posts from June, 2018

I need your help please.

See, there is one advice for you people. Whenever, wherever, if you see me, just kill me. Stab me, shoot me, your choice. Just please kill me. And for those who haven't read my previous posts, hi. And go read them. Anyways, I have trouble sleeping.(understatement of the year. I can't sleep at all). So I now use  sleeping pills. But that too has it's side effects. I have horrible nightmares. HORRIBLE. I just had one and now I'm shaking with fear. Good thing I have my friend, autocorrect here, helping me write correctly. If anybody has any suggestions regarding sleep, please share it with me. You can add a comment on this blog and tell me. Just please, I'm getting desperate here. I'll continue the story later. Maybe. I hope. Just please help me this once. 

The hidden secret

All right. Back to bitching mode. Okay, so now you know about me. How I was a moody kid back then, am suffering cause of it. Also, if you haven't read my previous posts, man this ain't your cup of tea. First read them and then come back. I'll wait. All done? Good. Let's continue from the point where I was getting my ass kicked. BY A GIRL. Anyways. I remember that day. Didn't go as expected. Also pretty much the worst day of my life. So I was with Maggie in her hotel room, being puched and slapped. "How could you?" "What?" Josh was really nervous but it was just a matter of time that that nervousness skyrocketed. "Josh, I didn't expect this from you. Do you even know what you've done?" Josh was frozen still because he had an idea of what mistake she was referring to. I mean, he had only ever made one huge mistake that could cause this type of commotion. But what could he possibly have done to hurt anyone else. "When y

And the suffering begins.

Read the previous posts first. So, today I'm in a good mood. Had a good day at the office. Not many people annoyed me with their "small talk". Had a few drinks. Got a new handset that I ordered. Not gonna reveal which. Saw a girl at the bar. Everything was fine until I saw her face. Not it wasn't Jenny. But she looked a lot like her and eff my luck, but there was only one seat available and that was besides me. I was freaking out. She sat besides me. Even though it looks like a beautiful girl talks to a man at the bar, other than the bartender, only in movies. But, again, eff my luck. Unfortunately I was drinking her favorite drink. Not gonna reveal either. So she got a topic. I just quickly finished it and ran out leaving her confused. Although, she didn't pay much attention to details, I hope. Anyways, on the way home, I grabbed a couple of my favorite beers and just enjoyed a quiet night. Unfortunately due to the club next door, I don't sleep really we

A look back

Well, this blogging thing is new for me and I don't exactly know what to write and what not. But still, it's not bad. If you are reading this I recommend that you read my previous post first. And if you have already, just don't share it with anyone. Well you can but just very few trusted people. Now let's get to it. So I use this blog to bitch about my problems. Which surprisingly are not that bad. I mean so what I had a crush. It's common, give it a month or two. It'll fade away. Not exactly. It's almost 4 years since I realised. And don't know how long I've had it. But it's weird and confusing. Sometimes I think "do I really?" And sometimes I think "Ofcourse you idiot." I mean it's not like I think about her all the time but when I do, I can't keep track of time. When I see her it's like Christmas Eve in my head. All the excitement and enthusiasm. But last that happened a long time ago. So, in this post

Why the f*** am I still alive?

Who am I? What's the purpose of my existence? Should I really be alive? I ask myself these questions everyday. Don't worry. I don't get the answers. It's not like I'm a genius. Hi. My name is...... well I'd rather keep it a secret. "My life goes pretty well." This would be someone's first reaction. "I have a big house, a big family, nice friends, a cute dog and a decent pocket money." All those things, BULLSHIT. My house ain't that big, not a big family, not-so-nice- friends, and a very low pocket money. I have a cute dog though. But even after all these things, my life don't look so bad now, does it? Well as any other story, there's a twist. A BIG EFFING (F***ING) TWIST. I DON'T WANNA LIVE. I don't see any purpose for myself and I don't like to do things that don't have a purpose. But somehow, someway, I'm still alive. AFTER 4 EFFING HEART ATTACKS I'm still alive. AFTER LITERALLY EATING ACID (BY