
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Blue Chip Prospect

 A wise man once said ain't no rest for the wicked, but who are these wicked beings? Is it humans? It is the Homo Sapiens? The Neanderthals? Or it is not referring to beings, but rather systems? Perhaps civilization as we know it? As I continue to foster my recently acquired habit of reading, combined with my gullible impressionism, I am forced to ponder the cliched age old debate, Hobbs v. Rousseau. "Give us power, or everything is lost" v. "Give us liberty or everything is lost." And in my mind, this begs the question, what even is power? How do you put a measurement scale in such a bind that it can finally measure and assess power? If power is simply the semblance of control over an an individual, a group/community, events or situations, or even just simply emotions, then are any of us really powerful? Or are we merely influential? We put these impositions on reality to try and gain some semblance of control over our lives, but what happens when the Killer Ap

An 'Ode' to Odile

It could've gone better, It could've been good. It shouldn't have broken the structure that stood The strands of hope, tugged on by  turmoil, He didn't live the way he should. She felt lost, with no place to go,  Nowhere to run, legs running slow, Tired of pain, she stopped right there, Fought back, kicked it into high gear. She gave it all she had, she put her soul into it, She tried to let go of the trauma, tried hard to do it. But fate doesn't treat her right, so she needs to take flight, Like a black swan, flying gracefully into the night. All she did was take what he gave, Even when he would grossly misbehave. But she withstood it all, for she was brave, Braver than she knew, growing wiser by the day She goes on, hiding all the pain inside, No destination, no end in sight. Trying to make the best of what's left of her, She's becoming a warrior in disguise. War is not her strong suit, hatred is alien to her, With adrenaline gushing straight through her,

The Whispers of Time

 When the sky falls, I'll be gone When doomsday calls, I'll be gone When the stars collide and boom goes the dynamite, When salvation arrives at my door, I'll be gone When cars begin to fly, I'll be gone When politicians don't lie, I'll be gone, When newborns don't cry, when governments die, With relief when the people all sigh, I'll be gone Gone will be by money, Gone will be my properties, Gone will be my accomplishments, Gone will be my priorities. When love comes a calling, I'll be gone. When destiny becomes appalling, I'll be gone When hope knocks on my door, when morality is on the floor, When pain gets you hauling, I'll be gone. When you call my name, I'll be gone When you feel no shame, I'll be gone. When you play no games, when you stay the same When you forget the fame, I'll be gone When chaos ensues, when violence breaks, When the world disintegrates, I'll be gone. When the elite stop doing whatever it takes , When

Reminiscing on regrets of the past, its a different life.

 To sit in school and think of you, wishing you were here, Classes just don't have the same appeal anymore to me, To sit here worrying about the future, it feels strange, With you as my past, feels like my future won't ever be complete. I am a stranger to you, not even a fly on the wall, I don't exist, I don't exist in your world at all. I can never enter or be in your mind, I could try, but you will never answer my call. I've lied, I've hurt, I caused a lot of pain, I struggle for most part to just stay sane. I made you suffer or atleast I think I did, I regret it every time I go down memory lane. Has my life been rough these past years, I don't know But you have a fun and joyful time wherever you go Then how am I the better person here, Despite having sunk so low a few years ago. I lie awake at night, thinking of what I have Planning for the future and reminiscing what I had Patience is my virtue, I am calm enough, I wish I could help you, replace all the

I Remember The Day

I remember the day, like it was yesterday, I remember it exactly, just the way it went down and I was on the ground, paralysed, terrified, unable to run away. Unable to move, to save you from harm, I was so close to you yet somehow so far. That day changed the foundation of who we are to each other, I became the lover from afar. From a distance I saw, the love, the pain, the games the things you went through, you'll never be the same. And I couldn't do anything to help you for how could I? You didn't even remember my name. But I remember you, I could never forget Never pretend to be strangers like we never met like we never fell for each other but the timing was off, It felt as if fate never wanted us to have it all. Yeah, we could've had it all, we could've been lovers, Could've been each others for all the summers. Could've been one for the rest of time, For the rest of eternity, I could've called you mine. Can I call you mine was the one thing in my h

Legislation of Morality Comes Full Circle

 Is it too obvious that I am running out of ideas to talk about on this blog? Or did I hide it well? Anyways, back to the topic of Legislation of Morality. We left with the questions placed upon the credibility of the supposed arbitrary person or people chosen to decide the morals of the world. Who even would be qualified to be chosen? Could it be a reputed personality famous for their humanitarian deeds? Or should it be someone who lives a quiet life and would remain anonymous for obvious reasons? So, let's say we solve the problem of the said person or people being railroaded and suppressed by the masses by keeping them anonymous. This shall negate the idea of what will the court of public opinion rule on their fates. So, now that we have that system in place, we need to find a selection criteria to decide who gets to be a part of this elite force. Simply put, those who want to be a part of it the most are the least qualified to do so. Not because we want someone who hates to do

Infected by the virus of hope

I suppose I can say that I am infected by the virus of hope. And it is not nearly as contagious as I'd like it to be. So, as I sit here, isolated from the outsiders, focused on all of these four walls, I was overcome by the oddest sensation. I feel safe here. I feel comfortable here. I feel calm here. And you know what? That thought scared the shit out of me. So I'll be right back from the washroom... Cool, now that I'm back, let's continue. Being confined to these walls, these walls that have become my sanctuary over the last 2 years, is a scary thought indeed. A lot of my memories, good, bad and the ugly, have taken place right here. But to be confined to these walls is the same as being confined anywhere. Perhaps I am exaggerating how scary the thoughts are but I can't deny that they shook me to my core. When the pandemic started, I never felt that scared because I had faith that it can't harm me. Sure, I took the basic precautions but they were mostly for th